The Beginning

We met each other approximately one week before Passover in 2017.  We say "approximately," because it's an ongoing joke that we can't remember what day our first date was. Thus, we will forever measure our relationship on the Jewish calendar. 

For a year and a half, we each took turns riding Metro-North to visit one another in NYC and New Haven.  Dan then made the fateful move to the city, and we decided it was time to get our first apartment together in Hell's Kitchen.   

After new jobs, traveling abroad and domestically, a stint in Vermont, and upgrading to a 2-bedroom in NYC, we decided it was time to take the plunge and now was a good as time as any to get married.  We look forward to celebrating with you all!  

Our First Trip

After trading weekends back and forth between Connecticut and NYC, we embarked on our first vacation together, to Budapest and Prague. We ate our way through both cities and explored the sites. This is a photo from the John Lennon wall in Prague.

Just a Cute Photo

We played NYC tourist one weekend when Elan's family came to visit. We snapped this photo at The Color Factory, but in posting it here -- we have decided to remove all the color, as we looked better in black and white.


As we both detest winter, in February 2018 we took a trip to Belize. It was the first time Dan tried scuba diving (it hasn’t exactly stuck the way Elan would have wished for it to), and we drove around a golf cart for a week, off-roading at times.

Dan’s 30th Surprise

For Dan’s 30th, Elan surprised him with a trip to Amsterdam, Mykonos, and Athens. Despite some sinus-related hiccups for Dan, it was truly a trip to remember.


We traveled to Banff for our friends’ Anna and Scott’s wedding two days after Elan started at Mastercard. It was the best excuse to go somewhere where our cold-adverse selves would otherwise never gravitate to. And boy, was it beautiful. (The wedding was great too!)

Escape to Green Mountains

Amidst the “event that shall not be named,” we needed a breath of fresh air (literally) and left New York to spend a month in Vermont. The Green Mountain State did not disappoint, and the greenery and space was just what we needed.

Joshua Tree

Checking off one of the country’s National Parks, we hit up Joshua Tree while in Palm Springs for Elan’s (1-year belated) birthday trip. Please bare witness to the one photo where Dan appears taller than Elan here.